How Trees Help Us?

How Trees Help Us?

In some Native languages the term for plants translate to 'those who take care'.
                                                                                      ~Robin Wall Kimmer
I am sure that we all have seen a lot of trees. Tall, big, and green, wood. How beautiful trees look in the spring season?
We can just realize or can analyze then we are in a beautiful green place.
Trees are homes of birds, trees give shade to humans so humans can prevent themselves from dazzling rays of the sun.

What Trees do for us?

  • Trees filter the water you know the tree is a natural filter for us.
  • If there are no trees around us then the water around us will evaporate at high rates. The soil, the land, the place, will become salty.
  • So if there are no trees in a city, the city may not be successful. 
  • Trees act like a natural sponge absorbing stormwater before releasing it to the atmosphere.
  • The net of their roots secures us against landslides while allowing the soil to retain water and filter out toxins.
  • Roots help us by preventing us from floods while diminishing the urgency for the storm drains.
  • The absorbent leaves of trees purify the air by trapping the carbon and other pollutants.

Humanity has been discovering the assets of trees for centuries.
    Trees aren't crucial just for the city's infrastructure;
                                  Trees play a vital role in the health of its citizens as well.
In the 1870s there was almost no tree in Manhattan.

    Manhattan had few trees outside the island's park without trees the buildings absorbed the sun radiations more than nine times during deadly summer heatwaves. 
Combined with the time's bad sanitation standards. Brutal heat made the breeding grounds for bacteria like Cholera.

The modern-day Hongkong, tall buildings and underground infrastructure make it difficult for trees to grow.

Which causes the city's air pollution. It can root bronchitis & diminished lung function.

Trees are good for our mental health as well.
Researches show that the existence of green foliage increases attention spans and decreases stress levels. And it also is shown that the patients in the hospital with views of bricks recover more slowly than the patients in the hospital with views of greenery.

In the 18th century, the city embraced the importance of trees in urban areas.
 In 1733, Colonel James Oglethorpe planned the city of Savannah, Georgia to ensure that no neighborhood was more than a 2-minute walk from a park.

There are a lot of trees in Singapore.
Since 1967, Singapore's Government has planted over 1.2 million trees. 
Over 50% of Singapore's landmass consists of trees and vegetations.
It is reducing the need for air conditioning and encouraging low pollution transportation.

It is estimated that 65% of the population of the world will be living in cities.
Imran Khan, the prime minister of Pakistan took the initiative to grow 1 billion trees.

Grow Trees! Grow Success!

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