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How does Coronavirus Work?

How does Coronavirus Work?

Wherefrom coronavirus starts spreading?

In December 2019 the Chinese authorities noticed and informed the whole world that a virus was spreading through their communities.
In the month of December, the virus spread to other countries with cases getting more and more within days.

Corona Virus

The virus is a Severe Acute Respiratory ( difficulties in breathing) Syndrome-Relate Coronavirus 2 that calls the disease called Covid-19 and that everyone simply calls coronavirus.
what literally happens when it affects a human & what should we all do?

What is a Virus?

A virus is too small to be seen by an ordinary light microscope. It is an infectious agent that makes replica copies of itself inside the living cells of an organism.


Where cells are the fundamental structural and functional units that the plant body or the animal body consists.

How Corona Works?

Where Corona is also a virus which can produce multiple copies of itself inside the bodies of human by interacting with the living cells.
When the virus makes a lot of copies of itself. It starts destroying itself and the cells which are actually a safe place for it. When our body defense system activates itself the virus spread too much that it would be rare to overcome this situation by white blood cells.
After that Corona will start entering into the lungs and starts to devour them.
On the spot, our immune system which is like an army got that there is something wrong in the body system.
When the immune cells start going to recover our lungs, the virus named Corona sends some defected information to the cells. Due to that defected information, the cells start destroying themselves.


And during that time our body may be affected so badly that it will be nearly impossible for the body to be cured. That leads the animal to death.

Safety Tips:-

Although Corona can be very dangerous to us. But it is very hard for the virus to get inside us and can infect so badly.
Important tips to be noted:-

  • Use soap or sanitizers to wash your hands, why soap because it can destroy the germs or virus so it cannot affect us.

  • Don't touch surfaces.
  • If there is an affected person, please isolate him.
  • Make social Distance.
  • And please not every cough, sneeze, or fever is Corona.

Stats about Corona:-

The below link will give you information about things like how many people got infected by Corona,
how many died due to it and many recovered from it.

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