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The Life Of Stars

The Life Of Stars

Scientists have told us that the universe is limited, with a beginning, a middle and a future. Stars have lifecycles too. Stars are also born, grow, and then die. The age of a star is measured in billions of years.


Birth Of A Star:

We have observed that tremendous clouds of gasses and dust are present in galaxies. Such clouds are called nebulae. 


Stars are born in nebulae(plural of the nebula). A nebula takes more dust and gas during its travel through space. The gas and dust molecules are reserved into a hot spinning ball of matter. Such a ball of the hot matter is called a protostar.  With the passage of time, a protostar becomes hot enough to produce a great amount of energy. Then, a protostar is called a star. A star like the Sun emits light and heat without having a time break.

Death Of A Star:

The matter of a star is turning into energy. This beaming energy is discharged into space. Our star named the Sun is dying.

The Sun

 Red Giant Stage:

Our star named as The Sun has passed five billion years of his life while emitting energy. In the future, the hydrogen named element formed in a gaseous state is present in the core of the Sun may be used up. The Sun will start to collapse. Its core will become denser and denser and also hotter and hotter the  Sun will grow in size. It will become a red giant.
The Sun will remain as a red giant for just about the era of 500 million years.

red giant

Dwarf Stage:

By and by the Sun in the form of a red giant will cool and gravity will make it collapse inward. Our star named the Sun will become a white dwarf at this stage. Ultimately, the Sun will become a burn-out black lump of very dense matter. It will not emit light any more This last stage of a star's life is called a  black dwarf.

white dwarf

Birth of Black Holes (Life of a Massive Star):

Stars who have mass six times as massive as our Sun are called massive stars.  A massive star has a lack of the Sun or other low-mass stars. Hydrogen in the core of a massive star is used up with much fast speed. After about 50 to 100 million years, there will be no hydrogen in the core of a massive star. At this time, the core breakdown and the star becomes 1000 times greater than its real size. It is now called a supergiant. 

Super Giant

After a long period of time, the supergiant becomes so heavy that it cannot carry the pressure of outer layers. The outer layers crash inward with a tremendous explosion called a supernova. At the time of the supernova, the light of the star becomes much more than all other stars of the galaxy. Great shells of gases fly off the star. Only the small core of the star survives. This core contains only neutrons. so it is called a neutron star.  It is extremely dense. After the supernova explosion, the massive star turns into a black hole.

black holes

A black hole is so dense that not even light can escape from it due to its very strong gravity. And it is no more glowing. In fact, the black hole is the final stage of the life cycle of a massive star.

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